I love this time of year! Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I am so excited to share the day with my husband's family. There's just "a feeling" in the air that makes me happy from Thanksgiving to New Year's Eve. You know that feeling? It's especially magical here in New York City. And having a kid, well, pure bliss.
Tomorrow, as I did last year, I'm going to run my local 5-mile Turkey Trot. A great way to start a holiday that's centered around eating. It's going to be freezing - literally - so I'm less concerned with my pace and more concerned about not dropping dead. I did a test run in 28 degree temps on Monday so I have a good idea what I'm getting myself into. Insane, I know...
My contribution to tomorrow's feast is cranberry relish. I made it - YES, I cooked! - using a recipe that I borrowed from my friend Chris, a.ka. Domestic Daddy. It was so easy and bucks tradition by adding bold spices like cardamom and cloves, and jalapenos.
Easy and delicious! |
My sous chef. |
Now, go forth and give thanks and ENJOY YOURSELF! xoxo