And In the End...

 (song: The End/artist: The Beatles)

Well, my last week of Brazil Butt Lift test group workouts is officially over. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't emotional during my final workout at Leandro's studio. I had a lump in my throat the second I stepped into the studio. I got a little teary during the arabesque series on the Cybex. Overwhelmed with emotion...and of course the seering pain in my ass from lifting 40 pounds of weight using the power of a single butt cheek.

Leandro told us how proud he is of us and that this test group was the hardest he's worked on a single project in years. He went through a lot of personal turmoil during the test group and he said how much it helped him to have this project so that he was focused on something positive while he sorted out the negative. He got a little choked up, which of course made me cry. I am terrible with  goodbyes, and couldn't say anything so after the workout, I discreetly left a gift behind for Leandro. A copy of a book aptly titled "Rear Ends", in which I wrote him a note of gratitude for helping me achieve goals I believed for so long, were far beyond my grasp.

Before I left, I took a minute to breathe and reflect on all that I've accomplished. Now it's time to go Alison. Take what you've learned and live your life the right way. Don't look back...

Friday was my triumphant return to the rotating turntable and the Target bikini I've been photographed in every thirty days for the last three months. God I hate that bikini! I hated it on February 15 because I was spilling out of it. I hate it today because the bottoms are a terrible cut for my newly improved bum bum. I brought the yellow bikini and told the producer that I had withheld it on day one because it looked so awful, but that I wore it proudly for the first time last weekend. She loved the story and decided to have me photographed in it as well. And then the wardrobe lady put me in an even cuter bikini because they just loved how awesome my results are. I felt fantastic! While I was on the rotisserie, the director and producer were simultaneously playing the footage of my day one turntable shoot. I heard a lot of "oh my gods" and "it's just incredible", and it made me feel so awesome to hear the accolades. My hard work is being noticed and I feel wonderful. 

My last obligation to Beachbody is the interview for the infomercial. That will happen tomorrow afternoon. I'm excited to deliver my onscreen testimonial to the effectiveness of the Butt Master's program and to see all of my final photos and results. And as soon as I have permission from Beachbody, I'll post all the picture. The before, the middle, the after. I'll give you the numbers. And I'll tell you all about my plans to maintain my body and this life. I already know that I'll be successful.

But now, it's time for bed. Because I just can't get enough Leandro in my diet, I'm going to one of his classes before my interview tomorrow. It may not be a one-on-one training session, but it's ONE MORE DAY of getting a great workout from the man that changed my body and my life. I wouldn't miss it for the world!

My god, am I sad!